No Executive Order Can Dull Your Sparkle.
Got questions about the latest executive orders? We've got you.
FAQ: Anti-Trans Executive Order
FAQ: Executive Order on Healthcare for Trans Young People
REGISTER TODAY! Deadline To Register: Friday, February 14, 2025
This year’s Leadership Day includes a youth-led, multi-part strategy of creating meaningful opportunities to build people power and participate in democracy. We are building multiple pathways for LGBTQ+ youth to encourage elected officials to take action and to hold them accountable. Here’s how you can plug in:
Virtual Leadership Day Workshops - Online skill-building workshop.
Mail-in Youth Messaging Campaign - Creative message campaign to write or draw your message to elected officials.
In-person Youth Lobby Day - Youth leaders meet with legislators to hand-deliver your message. Our goal is to collect 250+ messages from youth across the state!
State-wide media campaign - Promote your action through social media, email, and the press
The theme of this year’s Leadership Day is Protect Our Rights. LGBTQ+ and Allied youth say: “Step Up To Protect the Rights of Marginalized Youth from Federal Attacks!” In this increasingly hostile social and political climate, the stakes are incredibly high for LGBTQ+ youth. Our impact needs to be even greater to ensure our elected officials understand what is at stake and are accountable to protect the rights of all marginalized youth.
Register Today! Deadline is Friday, February 14, 2025
Outright is calling on LGBTQ+ youth statewide to participate in Leadership Day 2025: Protect Our Rights. Here’s how it works:
Register by these important deadlines!
GSA: To receive a physical action kit you must register as a GSA on or before Monday February 10, 2025. (Yes, this is 4 days prior to the final registration deadline.) Any GSA that registers after Monday February 10, 2025 but by the final registration deadline of Friday, February 14, 2025 will receive a digital action kit.
Individuals: If you're not with a GSA, you are absolutely welcome to join this action. Register on or before the final registration deadline of Friday, February 14, 2025 and you will receive a digital action kit.
Protect Our Rights Action Kits will be delivered. See above for details on important deadlines.
Attend a virtual skill-building workshop to meet other youth from across the state and to use the action kit for building your personal story and demands.
Create a message by writing a letter or drawing an image that conveys what’s important to you to educate legislators and calls on them to act.
Send your message back to Outright by Friday, March 14, 2025 and we will sort them based on legislative districts.
Youth representatives will deliver your message to legislators on Thursday March 20, 2025 at the Vermont State House.
Your story has incredible power to educate and inform elected officials about what’s important to you - and our strategy is designed to ensure they will listen.
Help us ensure that youth voices shape the 2025 legislative agenda by sending in your written or drawn message to your legislator! Register here by Friday, February 14, 2025.
Join us for some Queer Joy and lots of youth power at Vermont’s State House.
Register for Leadership Day to receive a Protect Our Rights Action Kit with everything you need to ensure your voice is heard in the halls of power! We have a limited number of physical action kits, so we will distribute these to GSA's only. See below.
- GSA: To receive a physical action kit you must register as a GSA on or before Monday February 10, 2025. (Yes, this is 4 days prior to the final registration deadline.) Any GSA that registers after Monday February 10, 2025 but by the final registration deadline of Friday, February 14, 2025 will receive a digital action kit.
- Individuals: If you're not with a GSA, you are absolutely welcome to join this action. Register on or before the final registration deadline of Friday, February 14, 2025 and you will receive a digital action kit.
The action kit will include:
Snacks, stickers, and fidgets.
A list of actions leaders can take to protect your rights.
Informative zines, tools, and templates for creating written or drawn messages to legislators.
Stamped envelopes, pre-addressed to Outright Vermont for sending in your messages to legislators.
Remember to register your GSA by Feb 10 to receive a physical action kit!
You(th) will attend a virtual workshop where you will connect with other young people across the state and build leadership and advocacy skills together. Develop the skills you need to tell your story, learn how to make an impact with your words and art, and build people power in a community with hundreds of youth sharing their voices through this campaign. We’ll start crafting our messages to legislators together at the virtual workshop! In order to work with different February Break schedules, there are two sessions to choose from:
Let us know on your registration which session you would like to attend.
This virtual workshop will include mini breakout trainings where you can learn more about the VT legislative process, learn about your representatives, choose to bring your words to your local paper and learn how to write a letter to the editor, or practice crafting your personal story.
We need your help to collect 250+ messages to Vermont legislators! Be part of building people power by participating in the promise of our democracy! Use the Protect Our Rights Action Kit to create a message to legislators using words, images, or both. The possibilities are limitless! You can:
Write down a story about your life
Explain what you would like legislators to do to make a difference
Draw an image to inspire legislators to act
Illustrate something important they need to understand
Something else of your choosing
In your Action Kit, you’ll find information about current legislative priorities that might impact you, plus zines and templates to help you create an impactful message to your legislators.
Return your written or drawn message to Outright by Friday, March 14 2025 using the pre-addressed and stamped envelopes in your Protect Our Rights Action Kit. Outright will sort your messages based on your legislative district, so make sure to include a return address. Make your concerns heard through adding your voice to the sea of LGBTQ+ youth voices in this campaign for Leadership Day!
On Thursday, March 20, 2025, we will bring your message to the capitol in Montpelier. We will be joined at the state house by a group of 50 LGBTQ+ and allied youth representatives from Outright’s Youth Organizing Program, learning partnership schools, and our close partner organizations - VSARN, Edjco, and Umbrella, to name a few. This group of youth representatives is already setting up meetings with key people in the statehouse to advocate for positive change in the state. Youth representatives will speak in committees, meet with legislators, and hand deliver all 250+ messages from youth across the state to the legislature who presides over their district. The role of folks attending this day will be to uplift the messages from youth across the state, and help to give voice to your writing and art!
Follow us on social media where we’ll share more about the youth representatives who will deliver your messages - and follow along as we’ll be posting live about the day!
The three pillars of Hope, Equity, and Power are what drive our mission and our actions at Outright. We have historically held large in-person gatherings with the hope of building connection, belonging, and of course, queer joy. In the past, Leadership Day has been one of these opportunities. After a successful GSA Conference this fall with over 300 participants, feedback about weather and safety, and in light of the current political and cultural shifts, we made the choice to shift how we harness the power of our voices to a far-reaching remote campaign leading up to a smaller in-person lobby day.
Here’s why we’re switching it up this year with a remote action:
Access: We can get more youth voices heard through write-in mail! According to the 2023 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 29% of Vermont’s high school youth identify as LGBTQ+. That’s far more youth than the statehouse could handle! We are a large, powerful, and beautiful group, and we want everybody to have the chance to get their voice heard. This change makes space for more people to participate, which means more people power! We aim to collect 250+ pieces of mail from young people across the state - which means many more voices will be heard than we could fit at a SpeakOut. Historically, not all GSAs have been able to bring their students to the Statehouse for Leadership Day, and we want to ensure that all voices get the opportunity to be heard. We want as many youth as possible to have an opportunity to speak directly to their representatives and have a tangible impact on the actions of our Vermont legislature.
Impact: When dreaming up this year’s Leadership Day, our youth leaders determined specific priorities that focused on face to face opportunities to speak to legislators. This led to the shared tactic of a Lobby Day, virtual workshop, and youth messages to legislators campaign instead of a single large rally and speakout. We are excited and honored to have champion legislators and allies in the statehouse preparing to welcome our youth and take seriously their words, demands, and priorities.By writing down your story, you can ensure your message gets into the hands of your specific legislators who can act on your demands. You can also review your writing or art and make sure everything you want to say is included. A stack of 250+ pieces of mail sends a message that legislators cannot ignore, and is a powerful avenue for young people to have a tangible impact on the actions of our Vermont legislature.
Safety & Comfort - So much of what can happen at a big outdoor event is outside of our control. Large, in-person events can be overwhelming - and we don’t want crummy weather, bad actors, or logistical issues to get in the way of you(th) getting your voice heard! Submitting a message on paper to legislators is a proven tactic that can be put into action wherever you(th) are, and is able to be adapted to accommodate safety concerns and sensory needs.
On Thursday March 20th, we will have a presence of 50+ LGBTQ+ and allied youth leaders from Outright’s Youth Organizing Program, learning partnership schools, and our close partner organizations - VSARN, The Education Justice Coalition, and Umbrella, to name a few. These leaders will speak in committees, meet with legislators, and hand deliver the written and drawn messages from youth across the state directly to Vermont legislators. The role of the youth representatives attending this day will be to uplift the messages from youth across the state, and help to give voice to your writing and art!
We’ll get some political education, work together on writing and drawing messages to legislators, and spend time together in a virtual community.
Part of the virtual workshop will be education and skill building: you’ll develop the skills you need to tell your story and learn how to make an impact with your words and art. Part of it will be co-working time, where you can spend time developing your powerful message to your legislators. All of it will be an opportunity to build community and people power with hundreds of youth who are sharing their voices through this campaign. Heck Yeah!
We will be sending out regular email updates on the GSA Network Listserv as we work to reach our goal of 250 mail-in letters. As we get more and more mail from youth across the state, our Youth Organizers will be sharing excerpts on Outright’s social media platforms. The more people participate, the more people will realize that they must pay attention to LGBTQ+ youth voices, because we will not back down!
We will have digital action kits available for downloading on our website soon. Check back here.
Got questions about the latest executive orders? We've got you.
FAQ: Anti-Trans Executive Order
FAQ: Executive Order on Healthcare for Trans Young People
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