Leadership Day

Support Queer Youth Power!

Thank You for an Awesome 2025 Leadership Day!

Check out the 2025 Youth Priorities!

All LGBTQ+ and allied youth ages 19 and under in Vermont are encouraged to join us for Leadership Day each March!

Leadership Day is an opportunity for young people to build power together, and for adults to be informed - and transformed - by youth perspectives. Over the course of this event, youth explore strategies for proactive harm prevention and move towards accountability at the interpersonal, community, and institutional levels. Join us to:

  • Build youth power through organizing and advocacy skills

  • Craft and express demands for adult accountability

  • Explore current laws and policies and learn how to take action

  • Discover how community and self care builds resilience

  • Learn about transformative justice

  • Imagine and build a better future for VT youth

In this tense social and political moment, the stakes are high for LGBTQ+ youth. It is critical that Vermont's decision makers hear directly from their most impacted constituents to understand what is at stake and show up for LGBTQ+ youth rights!

Despite Vermont’s progressive reputation, LGBTQ+ youth in our state continue to report daily experiences of harm and violence. Youth have the power to create meaningful change through speaking their truth, articulating their needs, and demanding accountability from the adults whose job is to keep them safe. Adults need to listen, understand, and recognize the patterns of harm so that they can create safer environments where all youth can thrive.

Leadership Day is held each year in late March.

Leadership Day is an opportunity for GSA youth to get in touch with their own leadership abilities and connect with centers of power on state and national levels. Youth attend with their GSA's to connect, share successes and challenges, and learn new skills. They also meet with Vermont legislators to have their voices heard directly and hear what our leaders are working on. Join us to build youth power and create change!

Registration Opens in February 2026

Join LGBTQ+ and allied youth from across the state for a celebration of youth power at every level!