Youth Organizing & Campaigns

Youth Power!

Youth Organizing Internship

In this year-long internship program, youth build hope, equity, and power with LGBTQ+ youth through the GSA network and schools across the state! Each cohort of youth, ages 13-19, develops their leadership skills and collaborates with each other, Outright staff, allied youth in their region, and the statewide GSA Network to create positive change. In 2024-25, we're working with 12 youth organizers from around the state. Heck Yeah!

Here’s what youth organizers can do:

  • assess the state of schools

  • engage in dialogue with other youth in their region

  • learn to use tools like power analysis and network mapping

  • direct campaigns based on their interests and the needs

  • and - of course - celebrate and have fun together!

Youth Organizers go through extensive ongoing training with Outright staff, and commit 1-10 hours a week for 11 months, from August-June. Youth Organizers receive a stipend of $500 a month ($5,500 a year).

Youth Organizers Will Gain:

  • knowledge of what organizing is and how to do it

  • an understanding of the role of taking risks for goals and actions related to the LGBTQ+ youth community and liberation

  • an increase in skills and experiences around risk-taking

  • an understanding of how to fit into the work as activists, organizers, volunteers and more!

Although it's a stipend position, this isn’t a job - it’s a real-world opportunity for you to learn, grow, and discover how you want to have an impact. Our application process opens in May for the following school year's cohort. 

In 2024-25, we're working with 12 youth organizers from around the state. Heck Yeah!

Youth Campaigns

Here are some examples of what youth organizers are working on!

Join Us and Claim Your Voice

Youth Power in Education (YPE)

Bring queer and trans youth voice and power to the center of school-based change work.

  • Youth tell their own stories about the impact of queer and trans antagonism in their schools.

  • Youth adult co-facilitation as a way forward for sharing the truth about queer and trans youth.

  • Design and facilitate youth and adult-facing workshops to make schools freer and better for all.

Knowledge Empowers Queer Youth

Inclusive Sex Ed

Improve youth access to relevant, accurate, and affirming sexuality education!

  • Organize workshops and breakout groups at Outright statewide events organizing youth to share information about the state of sex education in schools statewide.

  • Network with GSAs statewide to build a coordinated movement for curricular improvements at the district level.

support trans youth

Gender-Affirming Resources (GAR)

  • Partner with Outright staff and Vermont medical professionals to create and distribute medically accurate and accessible educational materials on safe, healthy, and effective binding, tucking, and packing.

  • Research and coordinate purchasing and distribution of high-quality gender-affirming garments, at no cost, directly to youth who need them.

  • Work to end stigma for trans youth in their schools and communities.

  • Develop educational offerings to support trans youth who need gender-affirming resources.

  • Raise awareness about the importance and availability of gender-affirming resources. (Check out the youth-run GAR Instagram page!)

Complete the request form for GAR and we'll follow up soon.

For other resources, email Jayy Covert, School Based Change Manager, at

Let's Create Change Together!

Through youth-led campaigns, training weekends, regional groups and statewide events, youth organizers share in the work of building the base of youth ready to respond to the needs of their compatriots.

By learning, growing, and taking risks for liberation, youth organizers support Outright's work of centering youth voice and power.