Youth-Led Conversation with Becca Balint

You(th) are invited to a conversation with Congresswoman Balint

Register here and join the conversation online on Thursday, February 20 from 3:30 - 4:30pm. And if you are interested in a larger speaking role, please contact Amy -

Middle and high-school students from around Vermont can share questions and experiences, and think together about how to feel hopeful and keep our communities safe during scary and uncertain times. 

Becca Balint is the first woman and first openly gay member of Congress from Vermont. She is the Co-Chair of the Congressional Equality Caucus: a group of nine openly LGBTQI+ members of the United States House of Representatives with a mission to promote equality for all people. Check out her message to young people to learn more about her position and values!

In the face of brazen attempts at the federal level to dismantle the structures that ensure our rights and freedoms, youth around Vermont have every right to wonder what it all means and who is going to stand up for them.

Please share this invite with youth in your life! You will receive a zoom link and more details before the 20th.

You will be given an opportunity to submit your questions for Congresswoman Balint. Please note that we are prioritizing youth whose identities are most directly impacted by the current executive orders for this panel, in particular youth who are trans and non-binary or LGBTQIA+, immigrant, BIPOC, disabled, and low-income youth.

Outright Vermont, the Vermont Student Anti-Racism Network, the Education Justice Coalition, Up for Learning, Vermont Afterschool, Youth 4 Change, and others are excited to hold this space. We’re ready to face these challenges and attacks with courage and clarity, and we’re going to do it together! Register today!