Gender Creative Kids

Gender Creative Kids is Outright’s flagship group for youth ages 12 and younger. Gender creative kids may be trans, nonbinary, gender expansive, fluid, or questioning - if you feel this space could be right for your family, you are welcome at this joyful monthly gathering! Whole families are invited - parents and caregivers, and siblings too - to build community and a sense of belonging.
One month, families may join our friends at Audubon Vermont for birding and outdoor adventures. The next month, we may meet at Outright’s youth space for crafts or cookie decorating - or at a sledding hill near you for a snowy thrill!
Gender Creative Kids meets in person on the second Sunday of each month from 2-4pm. The location varies month to month, so get in touch ahead of your first Gender Creative Kids so we can make sure you get the location info!
Amelia Schlossberg
Family Engagement Manager