News Room

Press Releases & Media Statements

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Trans Lives Are Not Up for Debate

Outright's Statement on Anti-Trans Organizing in Vergennes, VT

3/11/22 Queer Youth Walkout

On Friday, March 11th, from 1:00-1:20 pm, Vermont students will join thousands of peers across the nation in what could be the largest LGBTQ+ youth led walkout in history.

We’re All In This Together

Outright Vermont is hosting an open house today from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM for anyone who wants to write a “Heck Yeah” (a card or note of affirmation, care, and solidarity) to trans people, especially youth.

No Executive Order Can Dull Your Sparkle. 

Got questions about the latest executive orders? We've got you. 

FAQ: Anti-Trans Executive Order
FAQ: Executive Order on Healthcare for Trans Young People