Outright will be CLOSED from Monday, July 22 through Friday, August 2, 2024 for our annual Gaycation. We'll see you soon! 

Find information and emergency contacts here!

Holiday Survival Guide

We know the holidays aren’t always merry and bright.

But we also know that you’ve got this – and we’ve got you.

YOUTH: Every single week from 6:30-8:00, Friday Night Group is here for you. Even holidays and snow days! If you’re having a tough week, you can tune in to virtual FNG wherever you are – just request the link here. In Vermont for the holigays? Join us IRL for pizza and fun crafts! We’re in Burlington every Friday – and on December 9th and January 13th we will also be in Montpelier, Middlebury, and Morrisville.

PARENTS/CAREGIVERS: Find a welcoming and supportive community of peers at Trans Parent Group, whether you’re fielding tough questions, navigating complex family dynamics, or just wondering how to best show up for the young people in your life. Facilitated by local mental health professionals, this group welcomes folks at all levels of familiarity and understanding of trans identities. Join virtually on the first Monday of each month from 6-8pm (request the link here) – and if you’re in the area, join us in person at Outright’s Burlington office on the third Monday of each month from 6-8 pm.

We’d also like to share these self-care tips and resources, compiled by our friends at Q Chat Space, to help you keep your shine through the holiday season.


???? Call  – ???? Text – ???? Chat – ???? Email

Things to Do

???? Watch or Read – ???? Listen – ?? Write or Draw

Helpful Articles